1. 流動性-Speechテンプレ★ 「社会的流動性」→「活動の自由」→「ダイナミズム」→「経済の発展」→「社会的流動性」→(以後、正の ワクワク・スパイラル)
I agree with the opinion that --- / Yes, I think -- should --
Because social mobility is the key to develop the society.
and to promote the social mobility we should ---
Indeed some might argue that uncertainty is not good as it will bring about a social instability.
but uncertainty sometimes good because it leads to social flexibility.
There is flexibility, there will be hope that we could do anything and we could become anybody.
We can call it freedom, which generates dynamism.
I think humans are created like that / as it is
And we can call it humanity.
Further, from the financial or economic viewpoint, that --- is a must.
Because Social mobility resulted from that can vitalize economy, local as well as global.
With the society being flexible and economic activities being boosted,
The consequences of these are obviously economic prosperity.
And furthermore, under the circumstances, the number of people with creativity will increase
because they can think more freely in that kind of free society.
Creativity is the source of invention and innovation, or renovation.
People with creativity can develop new technologies and products, which will promote economic development.
Creativity is the engine of economy.
So it is very important for us to --.
Of course, the consequences of living that kind of society might be economic disparity.
But the addressing the problem of disparity is another story, another political issue.
Economic prosperity is the prerequisite for addressing social problems.
Yes, I certainly agree with the opinion that --- / --- should ---
which will prompt an increase in social mobility
which is the engine of developing our society to grow sustainably.
2. The disparity betweenthe rich and the poor should be of bigger concern for all of us. (流動性-テンプレに沿って)
No, I do not think the disparity between the rich and the poor should be of bigger concern for all of us. I do think it is a big concern, but I don’t think it should be a bigger one.
First of all, social mobility is the key to develop the society, and promoting the mobility will lead to the society where the disparity might decrease. There is flexibility, there will be hope that we could do anything and we can be anybody. That kind of freedom generates dynamism, which can vitalize economy. With the society being flexible and economic activities being boosted, the consequences of these are obviously economic prosperity.
And further, under the circumstances, the number of people with creativity will increase because they can think more freely in the free society. Creativity is the source of invention and innovation, or renovation, which will promote more economic development. Creativity is the engine of economy. Economic prosperity will give the poor a chance to improve their quality of life.
Of course, some might argue the consequences of living that kind of society might be the very economic disparity we are talking about. But we do not have the alternative to address the problem. Economic prosperity is the prerequisite for addressing any social problems.
Therefore, I do not think the disparity between the rich and the poor should be a bigger concern. Indeed, I do think it is a big concern; however, it is social mobility that should be a bigger concern for all of us. Because It is social mobility that is the engine of developing our society to grow sustainably, dealing with social problems, including the disparity, not vice versa. (282 words)